Apache, cPanel, General, Linux

Easy way to redirect all access to the website to HTTPS

Use the below code in your .htaccess to redirect the website from all HTTP requests to HTTPS + non-www HTTPS to HTTPS with www .Repace example.com with your domain name.

www .domain.com –> https://www.domain.com

# Redirect all “not correct” domain to www with https
# (is not important if comes with or without https):
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301]

# Redirect all non-ssl to ssl.
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]


cPanel, Exim, General, Linux

Server Error: STATUS: Internal error occurred Refer to server log for more information.

if you are seeing this error on Roundcube, your mail folder ownerships are messed up.

Don’t worry,do the below steps as root via SSH.

If the email account is info@domain.com

check the username of the domain and access the directory


chnage all the ownership of the directories recursively using the below step. (info is the folder of mail account)

chown -R user. info

chown user.mail maildirsize

cPanel, Exim, General, Linux

Rebuild /etc/localdomains and /etc/remotedomains in cPanel server

There may be some cases where you can see email issues since the domain is added in incorrect group.

/etc/localdomains-list all the domains which have local MX ie,mails are going through the server
/etc/remotedomains-domains that are having remote mail servers, even if the website point to the server.

If a domain which having a local MX reside on remotedomains, the mails will not be sent/recieved since exim doesn’t know how to handle the mails for this domain. In this case you can use the below command and execute it on the server via SSH as root. This will check the zone files of all the domains and assign them to localdomains and remotedomains.

/scripts/checkalldomainsmxs –yes

Thats all 🙂


Outlook error 0x80042108

This particular error can be occurred due to the below listed reasons and I can assure you that error reside on any of the below 🙂

>IP blocked on the server
>Incorrect Outlook configuration.
>Disable Anti-virus software
>Incorrect or unnecessary registry changes done by you or someone else can cause Outlook Error 0Ă—80042108.

If still not working, restart computer.

